Medical News

Taking Control of Diabetes: The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Brian King6/ 8/23

Living with diabetes can be challenging, requiring constant attention to blood glucose levels and careful management of diet, medication, and physical activity. However, advancements in technology, particularly Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), have revolutionized diabetes management. In this post, we will explore the benefits of CGM and its significance in helping individuals take control of their diabetes.

Achieving a Balanced Approach: Fitness and Diet for Optimal Health

Brian King6/ 2/23

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a goal shared by many, and two crucial elements in this pursuit are fitness and diet. When approached holistically, incorporating regular physical activity and a nutritious diet can significantly enhance overall well-being and promote long-term health. In this post, we will delve into the importance of fitness and diet, explore their interconnectedness, and provide practical tips for achieving a balanced approach to both.

Identifying and Treating Sunburns

Brian King5/28/23

As summer approaches, many of us are eager to spend time outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun. However, too much sun exposure can lead to painful and damaging sunburns. In this blog post, we will discuss how to tell if you have a sunburn and provide tips on the best ways to treat it.

How much water do I really need?

Brian King5/23/23

Water is essential for our survival, and staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining good health. But how much water should we be drinking? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think.

Simply Thick for Dysphagia

Brian King5/19/23

Thickening agents like Simply Thick are commonly used in medical settings to modify the consistency of liquids, making them easier to swallow for patients with dysphagia or other swallowing difficulties. Dysphagia is a medical condition that affects the ability to swallow, and it can occur as a result of a variety of underlying conditions, including stroke, Parkinson's disease, and cancer.